Clavius se puede detectar a simple vista. Se muestra como un corte en el terminador poco después del Cuarto Creciente. es una de las formaciones más antiguas de la Luna, que se formó hace -4 500 m.a.
El Monte Pico asciende hasta los 2 300 m Debido a su situación aislada, produce unas sombreas espectaculares.
Clavius can be detected with the unaided eye. It appears as a prominent notch in the terminator about 1–2 days after the Moon reaches first quarter. The crater is one of the older formations on the lunar surface and was likely formed during the Nectarian period about 4 billion years ago.
Mons Pico climbs to a height of 2.3 km. It is an isolated formation on the lunar mare, this peak can form prominent shadows when illuminated by oblique sunlight during the lunar dawn or dusk.